Instruction for the Tube Tester Type W 19

Titel Instruction for the Tube Tester Type W 19
  • Bedienungsanleitung
  • W 19
Hersteller Funke (Adenau)
Breite × Höhe 104 mm × 199 mm
Seitenanzahl 16

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After the tester is adjusted to the right line voltage, it is ready for use and may be connected with a line outlet. [t may stay connected permanently since in the start position of the test switsch (position „Aus“ = „off“) the power is switched off. If one wants to make a noise test of amplifier tubes (not necessary) a speaker has to be plugged into the jacks (6).

1. Put the Test Cards in position,
Insert the Plugs and the Tube.

From the tube and test card index one chooses the correspondent test card and puts it on the panel in such a way that its holes fit the positioning pins. Wherever the card shows a hole plug is inserted. In this way all necessary connections are made automatically, that is: filament voltage (2 plugs) as well as plate voltage (1 plug), screen grid voltage (1 plug), right meter range (1 plug), right socket connections (several plugs at the top edge of the test card). The tube is inserted into the tube holder marked by an arrow.

If one of the following pictures appears on the card:

this means that the tube has additional electrodes which have to be connected with the correspondent jack by a special cable.

Errors are almost impossible since in most cases there is only one tube holder into which the tube will fit. Only the octal and the miniature socket are exceptions, there are two of each which have different filament connections. But it is also ‘impossible to make an error with the plugs, since they will not fit into the wrong holes. There are some tubes (for instance on test card no. 19) which are available with lateral terminal screws and 4prong socket or without lateral screw and 5 prong socket. Thus if on a test card the symbol of a lateral terminal is shown but the tube does not have it (lateral terminal or plate cap) then, of course, no connection can be made, but the test will give the correct result nevertheless.

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