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Hersteller | Funke (Adenau) |
Breite × Höhe | 150 mm × 212 mm |
Seitenanzahl | 8 |
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All normal tube sockets are provided, partly as combined sockets of special design, partly by change of the original socket in such a way that the tube can be put in and taken out easily. When testing a tube it is more important that this can be done without difficulty than in a receiver or transmitter where the tube has to be prevented from coming loose.
The following sockets are built in: the European socket, the prongless 5-electrode socket, the prongless 8-electrode socket; the hexode socket (also called the 7 prong European socket), the European and American octal sockets the loctal socket (also called the key-tube socket or press- glass tube socket); the metal tube socket, the Marconi socket (also called the British socket), the American sockets with 4-pins, 5-pins, 6-pins, 7-pins small (for instance for the 2A7, 6B7, 6F7), 7-pins medium (for instance for the 6A6; 6E6; 2B6), the miniature tube socket, the Rimlock socket; the Noval socket; (also called the pico tube socket), the sockets Siemens with 5-pins, 7-pins and 9-pins (also called the post tube socket), for the former German army tubes only the 3795 socket for the RV 12 P 2000 tube and some more frequently used army tubes (32 test cards are provided). Adapters and test cards for other tubes can be supplied upon request. There is also ample free space on the tube tester W 19 for building in future new sockets,
The tube tester W19 allows very many tubes to be checked, not only German tubes but also European and American ones. Even obsolete as well as the newest types can be checked, and for types still to come new test cards will always be available. The upper limit is tubes with 50 watt plate dissipation.
More than 1000 test cards are supplied with the tube tester which permit the testing of several 1000 different tubes. The necessity for so many cards is caused by the wide differences in tube design. It is just the tubes which are used only occasionally which puzzle the de- aler and the serviceman most, because he cannot find their data elsewhere.
Each test card is not only designed for use in the tube tester but it contains also all technical data and information on the tube. There one finds the typical ratings, plate voltage as well as screen grid voltage, control grid bias, plate current, screen grid current, plate resistance, mutual conductance, amplification factor, load resistance self-bias resistor, base connections etc. etc. i. e. all information that the serviceman needs for repair work. The maximum ratings are also given, such as maximum currents, maximum voltages, maximum dissipation, maximum controll grid resistor, maximum heater-cathode voltage etc. etc. which the serviceman may need for replacement purposes.
Weitere Dokumente in diesem Satz „Konvolut Dokumente Funke Adenau“:
- Schaltplan W20
- Prüfkartenindex im Kartenformat
- Hinweiszettel: „Vorsicht! Empfindliche Elektrische Meßgeräte“
- Transistor-Adapter für die Röhrenmeßgeräte W19 + W20
- FUNKE – Personenruf-Funkanlage in freier Strahlung
- FUNKE-Oszillograf
- Briefumschlag groß
- Bedienungsanweisung zum FUNKE-Röhrenvoltmeter Type: W22
- Standard-Röhrenvoltmeter
- Bildröhrenmeßgerät für den Kundendienst Modell W 21
- Preisliste – Meßgeräte der Firma Max FUNKE KG. – Gültig ab Juli 1968
- Instruction for the Tube Tester Type W 19
- Datenblatt EL509
- Datenblatt PCL200
- Datenblatt PL509
- Briefumschlag klein
- Briefumschlag Luftpost
- Versandtasche metrofunk
- Unbekannte Skizze
- Prospekt W21/II mit „NEU“-Stempel